Day 3: 14 Days of Valentine’s Crafts

You will need: Red Yarn Wire Cutters Decorative Wire Glue Gun (not pictured) Glue Sticks (not pictured) Instructions: 1. Using the wire cutters, cut decorative wire at least 30″. 2. Fold wire in half and tighten bent end. 3. Bend the top parts of the wire to for a heart. 4. Twist the ends of the heart to secure. 5. …

Joining new yarn to your project

I don’t mind using multiple skeins of yarn for a project but I much rather prefer that I didn’t have to. The main reason is that I have always hated having to tie the two yarns together and then weaving in the ends. It just looks messy especially with the big knot in the middle of your work. Then I found this …


Ravelry is one of the greatest site for knitters. Not only can you find free patterns (and ones you can purchase) but you can also find people in your area, you can join groups and best of all you can organize all of your knitting supplies and projects. I spent the better part of the weekend organizing all of my stuff. …