You will need:
Foam (any colour you want; I chose red, white and 2 pink ones)
Sewing Thread (any colour you want; I chose white)
Sewing Needle
1. Cut hearts out of the foam. Cut as many as you would need. I had to cut approximately 40 of them.
2. Measure the height of wherever you want to hang these hearts. I chose the window and I knew I needed approximately 60 inches of thread.
3. Cut sewing thread to the length from #2 and thread needle.
4. Bring needle (close to the bottom point) from the back to the front of the heart.
5. Bring the needle from the front to the back of the heart near the top point.
6. Repeat for all hearts that you cut, placing the hearts where you want them on the sewing thread.
7. Tie thread around curtain rod and straighten out the hearts.
8. Admire your new decorations.
Happy Crafting,