A New Year

Happy New Year
Happy New Year!

I can’t believe how fast 2013 flew by. It went so fast, I barely had a chance to complete most of my goals for the year. The only item I completed were the two pairs of mittens. They were both Christmas gifts and one pair I finished on Christmas morning (so I had no time to photograph them).

I’ve been debating whether or not to make a list of goals for this year, considering I didn’t really fulfill last years list. But it’s not like anyone is giving me a failing grade or putting a smiley face sticker next to my name if I do or don’t complete my goals. These are for me so what the heck, I might as well have some goals to accomplish.

2014 Goals:

1. A pair of nice socks

2. Top down sweater/pullover (apparently they are the best for beginner sweater knitters)

3. Large afghan

4. Men’s scarf and hat (one that my husband would actually wear!)

5. Toy Giraffe (the neck shaping scares me)

And that’s it. Those are my goals for 2014!

What are your goals?

Happy Knitting,


Ashley Fernandes

I love knitting! Everything from the yarn, to the needles, to the finished product make me happy. I am here to share my passion with all of you.
Happy Knitting

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